Category: Blog

Why the iOS 14.5 Update is not the end of Facebook Advertising!

As of this week Apples’ iOS 14.5 Update has come into effect, and now thanks to this update your privacy is more secure online. Now when updating to iOS 14.5 on your iPhone, you will be prompted with a pop-up to set your own tracking permissions. To explain this the simplest way possible, this new feature will let you the user, control which apps are allowed to track your activity across other companies’ apps and websites.

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3 Tips to Generate Sales with Instagram Ads

3 Tips to Generate Sales with Instagram Ads

So you’ve been using Instagram organically for your business for quite some time, how do you step up your sales game by using Instagram ads?

Instagram has been known to generate sales for a lot of e-commerce brands so what’s stopping you from getting your fair share? Definitely not us!

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3 Instagram Strategies you need to ditch in 2021

3 Instagram Strategies you need to Ditch in 2021

How do you know if the Instagram Strategies you are using should be ditched? In the previous blogs, we have talked about some of the do’s and don’ts for Instagram Strategies and we will be adding to that list today. You might wonder why and the answer is simple, Instagram’s algorithm changes.

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